08-19-19 Earth & Space Weather News GSM News Live Show Links


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Solar wind
speed: 355.0 km/sec
density: 0.5 protons/cm3
more data: ACEDSCOVR
Updated: Today at 0005 UT

Planetary K-index
Now: Kp= 1 quiet
24-hr max: Kp= 2 quiet

Spotless Days
Current Stretch: 9 days
2019 total: 153 days (67%)

Thermosphere Climate Index
today: 3.11x1010 Cold
Max: 49.4x1010 Hot (10/1957)
Min: 2.05x1010 Cold (02/2009))



pumice discolored sea tonga po august 9 2019 terra modis

Underwater eruption near Fonualei Island, Tonga

A new underwater eruption took place near Fonualei island in the Tonga archipelago on August 7, 2019. The eruption was first reported on August 7 when large clouds were observed ‘on the horizon at the location of Fonualei volcano

stromboli 1315z august 18 2019 f

Intense activity at Stromboli volcano, Italy

Intense effusive activity from numerous vents at Stromboli volcano in Italy has resumed again on August 18, 2019, after several days decreased activity. Frequent and often strong strombolian eruptions occur from several active vents in the crater terrace.

himachal pradesh india august 2019

Landslides, flash floods wreak havoc across Himachal Pradesh

Extensive rainfall, floods and landslides are wreaking havoc across the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh on August 17 and 18, 2019. The state has so far received 200% above average rains this monsoon.

istanbul flood august 17 2019 f

Deadly floods hit Istanbul after 4 months’ worth of rain in 90 minutes, Turkey

Extremely heavy rain hit Istanbul and other cities in NW Turkey on August 17, 2019, causing severe flooding in which one person lost its life. Streets and basements were flooded, drivers stranded and public transport disrupted after heavy rain hit

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Renewable energy is a blackout risk, warns National Grid after chaos during biggest outage in a decade

NYT: Lawns are Symbols of Racism and Bad for Global Warming

Offshore Wind Tripped Up by the Trump Administration

Are We Too Dependent on Pollinators?

Study in Journal Nature tries to ‘blacklist’ skeptics – Ranks Climate Depot’s Morano as NUMBER ONE ‘climate contrarian’ in the media! (#1 out of 386 skeptics)



USE PROMO CODE: GSMLOVE FOR 15% off all Merchandise until Aug 31st!

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