Ocean Oscillation Fear Porn

I haven’t read the paper about the AMOC overturning that the fear porn outlets are putting out to blame mankind on climate change. I glanced at it and it seemed to use AGW forcing rather than natural forcing… big red flag ?
Seeing headlines like this curdles my blood!

You are off researching NATURAL climate change if you want any idea what is actually going on.
Be mindful to separate pollution from climate change as they are two separate topics entirely.
There has been no detectable trend in the AMOC since 1981. This paper:
“Our model has not revealed an AMOC decline indicative of anthropogenic climate change (Stocker et al., 2013) nor the long-term decline reported in sea-surface-temperature-based reconstructions of the AMOC (Caesar et al., 2018). It has accurately reproduced the variability observed in the RAPID data, showing that the downturn between 2008 and 2012 (McCarthy et al., 2012) marked not only the weakest AMOC of the RAPID era but the weakest AMOC since the mid-1980s. Since this minimum, the strength of the AMOC has recovered in line with observations from the RAPID array (Moat et al., 2020). In fact, according to our model, southward flowing LNADW has regained a vigour not seen since the 1980s. Recent cold and fresh anomalies in the surface of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre seemed to indicate a return to a cool Atlantic phase associated with a weak AMOC (Frajka-Williams et al., 2017). However, a weakened AMOC was not the primary cause of these anomalies (Josey et al., 2018; Holliday et al., 2020). Whether a restrengthened AMOC will ultimately have a strong impact on Atlantic climate such as was believed to have occurred in the 1990s (Robson et al., 2012) remains to be seen.”
I am a mother. I’m concerned the climate alarmism is out of control. I’ve devoted the remainder of my life to fight political rhetoric and climate alarmism. Our future generations deserve better than either political party has provided. We all deserve better than the main stream propaganda machine is delivering. Speak out against climate hypocrisy. Share our content.
Mari tell me why this is faulty.
Ice age missing link.
The CO2 Dome buster.
Mechanical discharge of heat.
The science isn’t settled yet. Everything hasn’t been considered. The below is a glaring omission. You can bet this upcoming winter will be more severe than last years record setting winter.
The thermal exchange zone is growing hypothesis!
What is the thermal exchange zone?
It is the area in the northern hemisphere where the upcoming winters snowfall is destined to melt off in the following spring and summer.
Ice doesn’t just melt. It leaches out of the atmosphere 144 BTU’s of warmth for every pound of ice that melts. As snow creeps further to the south or to the north in The Southern Hemisphere, the thermal exchange zone expands, gets deeper and remains in effect for a longer duration. It also increases the Albedo of the planet. The net effect is the lowering of global temperatures.
Excess moisture in the atmosphere is the chief cause forcing vertical atmospheric convective currents into hyper drive. Vertical currents bring cold down and warmth upward.
The earth is rapidly casting off heat.
In an atmosphere where there is 1/3 warmth and 2/3 freezing, this mixing and inverting of the atmosphere Is ominous on the surface parts of the planet.
According to the GSM experts, as the cosmic rays increase a consequence of the GSM, they will produce more moisture aloft. More moisture aloft combined with a dormant sun has us heading towards ice build up & the lowering of sea levels. If at some point, and I hope it’s soon, the moisture aloft reduces, then the melt off will exceed the growth and we are heading back to an interglacial period.
GSM = excess moisture in the atmosphere =
a parallel convective current joining long wave radiation in the dissipation heat into space.
The formation of snow in the upper atmosphere has a six fold compound cascading cooling impact. One thing happens it snows, but the impact is multiplied by six.
1. The state change from water to ice deposits heat in the upper atmosphere. It is being deposited at the rate of 144 BTU’s per pound of water that is converted to snow at the very minimum. This deposited heat will be dissipated into and radiated off into the background temperature of space which is estimated to be -455*f
2. Snow fall is a key episode governing and controlling the cooling process. For the vertical current to provide cooling there must be a separation between the heat absorbed by the upper atmosphere and the ice that was created when the upper atmosphere surrendered part of it’s volume of cold or lack of heat. The gravity driven falling snow provides the separation from the heat that was deposited in the upper atmosphere or left behind during the snow formation and state change from liquid to solid. The snow fall also causes an updraft that draws even more heat up from the surface of the earth.
3. The snow makes a color change to the surface of the earth. The Albedo of the planet is increased. During the advancing spring, sun light will strike the surface of the snow at an obtuse angle reflecting it back into space instead of the earth absorbing that vital warmth. The greater the snow accumulations, the more sunlight is reflected back into space.
4. When the snow on the ground finally melts it absorbs 144 BTU’s per pound of snow, which robs the earth of some of the warming provided by the sun.
5. The snow melt increases the wetted surface of the earth creating even more opportunity for excess moisture in the atmosphere. Excess moisture creates the possibility of still more snow. Vicious cycle.
6. The process of water evaporation in and of itself has a cooling effect. The greater the moisture, or the wider the area the moisture covers, the greater the evaporation & the greater the cooling
7. Lastly just physical damage but that won’t cause the earth to discharge additional heat. The previous six will. The greater the volume of snow, the more acute all of these impacts become. Regenerative feedback. A cooling earth would suggest even more opportunities for additional snow formation. Until this chain is broken by the dormant sun returning to it’s normal radiance or there is so much cold & snow that the atmosphere becomes arid, the thermal decline will continue deepening.
A snow storm’s thermal exchange rate with the upper atmosphere is roughly eight times that of a rain storm because of the state change properties of converting water to ice and ice to water. A snow storm 200 miles wide would be the thermal exchange equivalent of a 1600 mile wide rain storm.
Having said that it is important to be reminded that almost all rainstorms start out as snow. Under current conditions with excess moisture in the atmosphere, vertical currents are in play 24/7 lowering the freeze altitude.
Most people can readily see ocean currents and their thermal exchange impacts but vertical currents are completely ignored. Not a good idea when their thermal exchange capability is amped up by the state change properties of water to ice & ice to water.
Ocean currents are a closed system that merely redistribute temperature. Vertical currents are open at the upper end providing an escape portal for heat to exit the earth.
Simply put vertical currents are ushering thermal energy from the earth to the cold blackness of space at an alarming rate.
Ironically the driving force producing an ice age is the formation of ice.
If the AGW crowd says the snow and cooling is caused by global warming, then run away global warming is impossible. They are likely to say just about anything
except the truth. At this very moment many people are at risk of freezing or starving because the world’s governments have been preparing for a fairytale world instead of dealing with reality. What is reality? We may be facing a very cold future for which no preparation has been made. World leaders have deliberately or stupidly led us and themselves to the wrong
conclusion on climate.
Everything has not been considered.