Before and After Ridgequest Quake | Asteroid Zaps by Canada | Valentina Zharkova’s Critics
GSM Earth and Space Weather News –
The Grand Solar minimum Channel
Amazing Captures -Before and After Ridgequest Quake
Canada Asteroid ?|
Valentina Zharkova’s Critics Should Be Embarrassed
GSM Earth and Space Weather News –
The Grand Solar minimum Channel
Amazing Captures -Before and After Ridgequest Quake
Canada Asteroid ?|
Valentina Zharkova’s Critics Should Be Embarrassed
SMALL ASTEROID E X P L O D E S OVER CANADA: Yesterday, July 24th, with no warning, a small asteroid traveling 45,000 mph hit Earth’s atmosphere over Canada. The resulting explosion at 2:44 Eastern TIme was as bright as a full Moon, and scattered meteorites across the countryside near Bancroft, Ontario. An array of all-sky cameras belonging to the University of Western Ontario recorded the fireball: